Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Impeachment

Maybe I didn't put a fine enough point on this during my Preparedness blog, in fact I know I din't- but- one key factor in us being able to keep our country, and our asses, intact is impeachment. Like, now. Yesterday, preferably. Why, you may well arsk? When we're about to swat the President-Select out the door with a huge 2x4 known as our collective voting power? WEllllllll... yeah. Because in this day and age, we can't really take that for granted. Because of the heinous things they've done, we know that we can no longer put anything past this Administration. And because they know of everything they're guilty of, better than any of us, and they know a new administration (even McCain's, for payback) would immediately set about investigating, charging, and imprisoning them for the sake of preserving everything our Constitution stands for.
And they have no desire to go to jail. As we've seen from the contempt Karl Rove shows for Congressional Subpoenas for cryin' out loud, not to mention the higher courts and duh, the American people- it's going to take nothing less than armed U.S. Marshals and possibly a Marine Corps unit for backup to get these pigfuckers to comply with the laws of the land.
Why that hasn't been done yet, at least in Rove's case, is beyond me. Perhaps because our esteemed Speaker Pelosi has taken impeachment "off the table" of her own volition (certainly not the American people's, because nearly 50% of now believe impeachment is necessary) which tells me she's an accomplice to some of these crimes, willing or not, but she is.
So, what previously seemed unimaginable is now imaginable. To avoid jailtime or even a thorough investigation which would forever destroy any hope of a "legacy" these guys might leave (a positive one, I mean), I'm afraid they're going to pull some shite that would make 9-11 look like a fireworks show. Namely, they've been saber rattling for years about Iran, and now with this current conflict in Georgia, I'm afraid they might try to use that as an inroad. If you look at a globe, you will notice that Georgia borders the Caspian sea. It's also smack in the middle of an oil pipeline route from Russia to China, which the former USSR guys have been grousing about since "the fall" of their empire. The other countries, Soviets said "meh, we don't like you much anyway. Go away and starve and be poor and then you will miss Red Army!" yeah not so much. But Georgia, that's the one "state" they've been missing for lo, these 17 years, precisely for this reason. The fact that Condi Rice was just over there, basically telling Russia "we don't take a position in inter-Asia-Russo matters" much like April Glaspie did with Saddam Hussein right before he invaded Kuwait... doesn't ease my mind much.
What with that and the instability of Pakistan, etc. etc. I'm trying to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. One of my coworkers, who's been on this planet a bit longer than me, counseled me today to not feed that fear, and instead go with the hope, and the faith in humanity. Not just because that will keep us all sane (rather than maddened, starving, hysterical) but because it's the right thing to do. So in that vein, I'd like to focus on the positive visualizations rather than the zit-inducing, stomach-churning visions of imagining the unimaginable. And if we are going to traipse down that garden path of imagining the future, I think we should do it holding hands, and looking out for each other.
Very well then. Despite what people might think, I have no desire for these treasonous pigs to be put to death for their crimes, or even assassinated. Nope. I've been categorically against the death penalty for as long as I can remember and that's not going to change. Besides the thought of even more killing is simply distasteful. All I want is for them all to be sentenced to life imprisonment, and then they and their families need to pay back EVERY FUCKING LAST PENNY THEY'VE STOLEN from this country and others. If that takes a few generations, so be it.
So my positive visualizations on the matter amount to this: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, -all of them- in cold gray cells for the rest of their lives, and little Jenna, Barbie, et.al. working three jobs or more to pay off part of daddy's debt. It's too late for them to know what it's like to work those three jobs while putting yourself through college and then graduating to insurmountable debt- but I think a little post-graduate work is in order. You think that sounds too much like what the Allies did to Germany after WWI? That the Bush family will rebel under too stern a yoke and come back even harder after 10 years of that? Meh. I'll take my chances. One way or another, the Bush & Cheney crime families need to be taken down, exposed, and somehow reduced to the "common-ness" and humility they've reduced everyone else to for these past 24+ years.
Ok, so admittedly another part of my positive vision is Karl Rove in a gimp suit, ball gag and all, getting corn-holed by the biggest, blackest dude possible in the bleakest, nastiest Federal prison possible (probably Leavenworth). For me, that's a positive vision. For me, that spells justice. That and Jenna Bush working as a breakfast waitress in some greasy spoon, wearing an ugly brown polyester uniform.
Of course she won't have to worry about the high cost of daycare, because that will be standardized and heavily subsidized for all children in America by President Obama. But she will have to worry about her assclown of a husband cheating on her, because that's just how they roll.
After we impeach the mofos, we need to make sure Republicans can never rule again. I think this will happen of its own accord, once scandal after treasonous scandal is exposed to the American public and they find out how bad things really were while they had their heads in the sand- but just in case they do, we basically need to keep them honest. A big part of that would be a name change, so they need to call themselves what they are, after they've been called out. Conservatives can go ahead and run on a Republican platform, they just need to call their new party either the Whiny Little Babies, the Hypocritical Lying Sacks of Shit, or the Cowardly Chickenhawks. Those are the choices. Let no-one say that I'm not pro-choice.
So. Impeachment. Do it. Call your congressperson and urge them to do it. Then support the Congressmen who've actually had the balls to stand up for this country when no one else will- Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler- and donate to their campaigns because they're being systematically attacked by the Right-wing smear machine. John Conyers could also use your help. I've been screaming about this for close to 4 years now, I know y'all are sick of me, but it's time for all y'all to start screaming too, and don't stop every last member of the Bush Administration is handcuffed and carted off to jail.

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