Or as someone posted on a Newsweek comment page, "You can put lipstick on a filthy, lying, power abusing religious zealot, its still a republican."
Obama Has too Much Class to Call Sarah Palin a Pig , So I Will.
Sarah Palin is a the pig-fokkers' whore, a lying sack of pigshit, and Queen Pig of Hypocrites. She is also a lousy mother. And, it goes without saying, guns or no, I could completely kick her ass.
Miss-Informed for VP '08!
I'm not running for President of anything, so I can say these things. At least, for 50 -some more days I can. I'm posting this picture of her to illustrate a couple things, but the main one is that I want people to see FO' REAL how totally ludicrous it is to even imagine this woman as Vice President.
Take a good, hard look. Laughing yet? I am. Because while I realize that 20% of the American population is creamin' their jeans at the thought of this nasty bitch being in power, the rest of us are having a hard time taking this seriously. And that's as it should be. I've gotten a deluge of emails from every non-profit advocacy group I belong to or has my email address- from environmental to pro-choice to human rights, all are saying/screaming the same thing: Don't dismiss her as fluff! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Gads, ya know, I'm trying to empathize and do the right thing- but whilst searching my feelings (as Old Ben Kenobi advised me to do) - I certainly didn't come up with FEAR. Anywhere. On. The. List. Snorts of derision? Yes. Contempt? Check. Disgust with hypocrisy? You bet.
And really NARAL, NOW, Human Rights Watch- I'm surprised at you! Have you forgotten the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood's Litany Against Fear? You have? Ok I'll repost it for all to see:
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
Say that a few times, breathe. Let the fear seep out of you. Let the little Zen half-smile play about your lips.
And git to visualizin' peeple! As my friend jen said so aptly, "Worry is praying for things you don't want." So without getting too hooky-dooky woo-woo on ya, let's concentrate on visualizing / praying for the things we DO want. Which is, if I'm not mistaken, Obama as President, Biden as his right-arm/bulldog, and the rest of us getting to the happy warrior work of turning this country around and getting it back on track. And thereby, saving the world. I've said this before a few times but I'll say it as often as necessary until the positive result is achieved.
Do whatever positive visualization works for you.
With this one, it's now including a defeated, humiliated Sarah Palin being impeached or recalled by the Alaskan citizens who used to "love" her, now disgusted by all the corruption, malfeasance, and double-talk coming out of her office.
On the other hand, I've been having visions and dreams for a few months now about the Obama family residing in the White House. Doing normal, everyday, Presidential things like waving to crowds and reporters as they disembark from Marine One on the South Lawn, the girls having sleep-overs and birthday parties at their place, Michelle Obama smudging the West Wing with tons of sacred sage to get the evil voodoo vibes out...oh but the best one was the dream I had of Barack Obama sitting at the desk in the Oval Office for the first time, smiling, joking, flashbulbs going off, Biden patting him on the back as he sat down, generally a happy, hopeful atmosphere.
That's a dream we don't need to wake up from. Also, in the background was Stevie Wonder's "Higher Ground." Did i mention that already? That needs to be the Inaugural Ball theme, for real.
So I've had quite enough of the fear-mongering, thank you, and I think the American people are done with it too.
This doesn't mean, however, that I'm going to quit making fun of Sarah Palin, or pointing out their rank hypocrisy and flip-flops, and whorish daughters.
OH no. That's just par for the course. But I won't do it because I'm AFRAID of her, no, I'll do it because we all seriously need to laugh at the whole pathetic joke of the McCain campaign every damn day, and heartily, with gusto.
Besides if you have the hubris to accept the nomination as VP while knowing that you don't have a lick of experience or intelligence or character or judgment to do the job- to me that just screams, "bring it on!"
(An Open Letter to Sarah Palin Inc. that hasn't been vetted by Charlie Gibson)
"So you preach abstinence-only sex education and then your 17-year-old daughter gets knocked up by the local hockey jock. Hmmm. But you're proud of this, because it's YOUR daughter, and she's white, and christian, not like those unwashed brown heathens who are having too many kids they can't support. Hmmm. I've given this a lot of thought over the past week, searched my feelings thoroughly, and after quite a few snorts of derision and giggles of disbelief, I've decided that you can go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on, bitch. That's right. I've been called a whore by the likes of you smug, self-righteous hypocritical bastard pieces of shit since about 1993, when Newt Gingrich & Co. hijacked Congress and declared war on the American people. That would include anyone who disagreed with him and his extremist, right-wing views, and that would include most women. Even nuns. Suddenly every female who thought they had the inherent right to control their own bodies and make their own life decisions were called stupid, dirty, filthy whores. So, right back atcha. And then some.
I don't wish ill for your daughter and her future child, because she's already in a world of hurt with a mother like you. And then there's your first-born son, shipping out for Iraq right now because.. he's such a big patriot, right? At the age of 18, he's decided that this Occupation in the Middle East is totally awesome and he wants a piece of it? No? It's actually because he got caught stealing liquor and vandalizing school buses in Wasilla, and law enforcement gave him the choice: either join the Army, or go to jail? Ohhhhhh.... well that's different. So how is Track? Oh you don't know, because he won't even be seen with you these days? Haven't spoken in months? Sounds like the lad's got a good head on his shoulders, and the Army might straighten him out. Since I've been estranged from my parents for going on 8 years now, let me tell you something straight: kids don't kick off their parents for whiny little reasons. The reason usually is, in some shape or form, that they realize their parents are big-ass liars and don't love them at all, and probably won't ever change. So rather than put up with the lies and bullcrap and let it damage them into adulthood, they "divorce" themselves from your narcissistic b.s. and make their own way. Looking back, I wish I had been as smart as Track and joined the Navy or something, at his age.
Then there's the middle kids, who haven't really done anything criminal yet, but there's still time. Oh and another thing about my lying-ass, abusive parents: crazy and messed up as they were, they would have considered themselves total failures as parents if one of us had ended up either pregnant or in jail. We didn't, in spite of them. You've got two kids doing both, and it doesn't seem to faze you. And apparently, that's just the tip of your narcissistic iceberg, because you just accepted the potential job of being VP for the most powerful country on Earth, only 4 months after giving birth to a special needs child. Whoa.
Again, here's something I can spout off on because I have a little experience in this area. Even with my PERFECT (physically and mentally) baby girl, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done to drag my ass back to work 3 months after she was born, and my job is basically educated DATA ENTRY. More difficult than pulling 20-hour shifts fighting forest fires, more difficult than taking care of my dad and brother, as a child, after one of my mom's numerous suicide attempts, more difficult even, than putting myself through college by working 3 jobs and finishing it all in 2.5 years flat. At least in college, there were the occasional margarita breaks.
And one of those jobs, during and after college, happened to be working with special needs children. Down's Syndrome kids especially. HOLY GODS ALMIGHTY but do they need a lot of early intervention, intensive care, and real love, not fake love.
No, you can't do it well and skin a moose at the same time, let alone be Vice President. Nope. Can't be done. You have to make a choice, a moral choice, and it's clear that time and time again, you've chosen your career and unholy ambition above all else. This makes you and McCain perfect for each other http://www.snopes.com/politics/mccain/carol.asp
but, that alone should tell people something about you.
Not that they should be afraid of you, but quite the opposite. They should openly scoff at your phoniness, your hypocrisy, and your corruption of spirit, and they should do so without fear of being called "sexist" or "mean."
So Miss Runner-Up 1984, you may be the redneck's wet dream of a VP candidate, a politician he can put a pin-up of in the garage and whack off to while the Star Spangled Banner blares from his monster truck speakers- but the rest of us will be smiling and waving from the Winner's Circle, which is known as the Oval Office in this case. That's right bitch, I've never been no "runner-up", I've always been The Queen.
Rants, tirades, raves, meditations, and postulations on the current state of affairs from an anthropologist's point of view. Context is important.
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