Saturday, December 3, 2011

STILL Heralding the Collapse of the Patriarchy- since 1970

Published nearly 5 years ago.  And here we are.
I've been wanting to write more cogently about class warfare, the collapsing patriarchy with all its heavy accoutrements, and now the Occupy Wall Street movement that seems a long time coming to me- and wondering how to do it without sounding like just another blowhard asshole.
Then the other night, my husband had one of his vivid, cogent, "big" dreams - and wrote the main message of it down, as he is wont to do when a dream literally wakes him up.  Plus, he has to get up at 4:30 am anyway, so the thoughts exploding in his head at the time might be a little more profound than if he'd slept in til let's say, 6 am.
The main message was: (and it was as if people were talking to him, and narrating this for him) "We stole the thing you were over-attached to and obsessed about.  We recreated it for your own liberation.  We took it apart and made art."  And then he wrote below that, I LOVE this feeling, I want to LIVE here!   Because if you know, or don't know, but the feeling you have in a dream is almost more important than the dream itself. 
He wasn't scared of it.  He wasn't even suspicious.  He felt loved and liberated, all at the same time. 

That's what I'm talkin' about. 

This thing you, and I, and we are all obsessed with- I want to dismantle it, and rebuild it as tools for our own liberation.  I want to take it apart and make art.
Easier said than done, sure.  But I think I have to try.  Whether it sounds like journalism one minute, or poetry, or a rant, or an interview, or just some quiet observations- I have to try.  More so my own soul doesn't putrefy than any illusions I may have about "enlightening" anybody.  I am going to try- to listen to that still, small voice that never gives up on me.  What is telling me lately, ya know this having your own eco-friendly business is nice and all but um, have you forgotten the gifts you were given?  They weren't all just for you and your own self-aggrandizement.  They were to share. 
Maybe I've said this before.  Oh well.  Nobody's listening anyway, so it bears repeating. 

This movement, of Occupying everywhere, crystallizes so much of what I've been feeling and thinking for oh, most of my life I guess that it is very tempting to just let them do all the talking.  But there are gaps, in their reasoning, rhetoric and genders, for one thing, and I reckon I'm the person to fill them.  For another- why are all the white guys talking?  Shut up already.  We've heard from you.  I don't need to be lectured on how to cross that color bridge of liberalism from a white guy.  Just don't.  Sorry. 
For another, where are all the women?  This movement is primed for women leaders and yet, I don't really see them or hear them.  Maybe that's because the lens of the patriarchy is still warped towards the males, or maybe it's because the women, as usual, are working behind the scenes and not in front of the mics.  I DON'T think it's because they're satisfied to be featured in the many photos of OWS, holding signs and looking cute as in: "Check out all these hot babe protestors.  Doesn't it make you want to come on down and join us?  You know that liberals have infamously loose morals, don't you?  Just camp out with us and you're bound to get laid."
Maybe I'm over-analyzing that, but I don't think so. 
I'm an anthropologist, and think everything should be put in its proper context, and then people should be reminded of that context early and often.   So fuck you if you don't like it.  (smiley face). 

At any rate, I'm going to try, maybe even every day, to "report" or witness or possibly contribute something to this discussion, even if that's only humour.  Some days it might be pompous.  Some days it might be despairing and critical.  And it will always, ALWAYS be sarcastic and full of hyperbole. 
The difference with me is, my opinions are not hard and fast.  I welcome discussion.  I want to START discussions, and maybe finish a few.  You are not allowed to read this without commenting.  Seriously, I don't want to hear this bullshit of "oh, I just didn't have time and I don't want to create a profile just for comments."  THen do it anonymously, assholes, but DO IT.  Participate. 
Have some breakfast. 
Not just sugary cereal, something with protein and vegetables or fruit in it. 
Remember, an army runs on its stomach.
You are going to need good energy to do good things.  The world is changing fundamentally, like it or not, so we can either flail away until we're buried in muck, or we can dance into it.
I choose to dance.

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